Beniarbeig changes the company which collects the rubbish from February


Estás en: Inici » Notícies » Beniarbeig changes the company which collects the rubbish from February

When the contract with SINMA Ondara, the company which came to collect the rubbish in the village, finished, the Town Hall issued a tender for the contract for the service which, as required by the new law Llei de Contractes del Sector Públic de 2017, was done as an open process in which any company which meets the legal requirements can apply. As the law does not allow it to be done on the basis of negotiation, three companies were invited to make offers. Two offers were presented, one from SINMA for 81,500 euros and one from Innovia COPTALIA, for 73,636 euros, both of them plus IVA (10%).

The cheaper offer was accepted, with a contract of one year. The new company Innovia COPTALIA, which also services Orba, la Vall de Laguar and Benidoleig, will start in Beniarbeig on 1st February.

As always, the Town Hall requests the collaboration of everyone, respecting the collection times and the use of the different containers, so that the rubbish collection service might function as well as possible and so that more and more rubbish can be recycled, something very important in the fight against climate change.

The calendar for the rubbish collection for 2020 is available for everyone on the Town Hall’s webpage.

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