Children’s sport continues through the summer


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Now August is over, so too are the multisport sessions organised by Beniarbeig Town Hall on Saturday mornings. The aim of this activity was to offer the children in the village an alternative free time activity based on sport, but also to allow some kind of physical activity to carry on through the summer months. It also had the potential to form teams of children to participate in the village Sports Schools.

Every Saturday the children were offered a different sports discipline; handball, five-a-side football and basketball, in sessions which started at 9.30am. The sessions started with familiarisation with the ball and an explanation of the play area, then basic exercises like passing and controlling the ball, and zigzagging circuits. Once they had all had their first contact with the ball, they were divided into 2 teams to play a match and put into practice everything they had learned. The sports session finished at 11.30am but the children moved on to the swimming pool where they were able to cool down and finish off the session.

The Town Hall and the instructors Joan Pons and Rubèn Gilabert, who were in charge of the activity, gave the initiative the thumbs up, as it allowed the children to do sports in a cooperative way, bringing together children with very different previous experience of sport. To close the event on the last day there was a small closing ceremony and all participants received a medal.

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