The old roadway becomes part of the Vía Segura Bajo Girona


Estás en: Inici » Notícies » The old roadway becomes part of the Vía Segura Bajo Girona

The historical road which links Beniarbeig with Ondara has become of exclusive use for pedestrians and bicycles, vehicles can only use it if authorised to do so, for example residents or owners of agricultural land.

The move is part of the joint initiative between the town halls of Els Poblets, El Verger, Ondara and Beniarbeig, who agreed to make the most of the traditional connections to design a route of 4.5km joining the four villages.

The aim is to offer a route suitable for walkers and cyclists, not only for those who use it as a means of transport but also those who use it for leisure. In the case of Beniarbeig, it will give access to a sports route to Dénia, as the route connects with the Vía Verde Dénia-El Verger.

The Vía Segura has stretches of different types, as in some parts traffic is not allowed while in others it is mixed, with a special lane for bicycles and pedestrians.

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