Current situation of COVID-19 cases in Beniarbeig


Estás en: Inici » Notícies » Current situation of COVID-19 cases in Beniarbeig

In response to the latest news published in the regional press, the Town Hall of Beniarbeig wishes to communicate a message of calm to all residents.

After meeting with those responsible for Public Health, we have been told that as of 11th November 2020, the number of people infected in Beniarbeig is 8, of whom 4 where given the medical all clear yesterday and, if everything goes as expected, the remaining 4 will be given the all clear this weekend.

The Public Health department has also told us that the situation is normal, there is no danger of mass contagion, as the positive cases are under control and in confinement, in line with the current guidelines.

The governing team would like to thank you for your civic responsibility and ask you to continue to respect the health protocol in the same way as you have been doing to now.

Juan José Mas

Mayor of Beniarbeig

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