The three Kings will give out the presents from house to house to avoid crowds of people in the square


Estás en: Inici » Notícies » The three Kings will give out the presents from house to house to avoid crowds of people in the square

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and respecting all the safety measures, the Concejalía de Fiestas wants everyone to be able to celebrate Christmas in a safe and respectful way. So we are organising Christmas events with everyone’s safety in mind, especially that of the children, who have been heroes and heroines in the way in which they have come through such a difficult situation. First of all, the children from the CEIP Benicadim will decorate the Christmas tree in the Plaza del 9 de Octubre with their hand made decorations.

Thinking of the children, the Town Hall contacted Father Christmas and the Three Kings and they have all confirmed that they will visit our village bringing presents for the boys and girls. Firstly, father Christmas will visit our Town Hall on Tuesday 22nd December from 5pm to receive their letters. To avoid crowds of people, Father Christmas has decided to spend more than two hours with us.

As far as the Three Kings are concerned, they have told us that they still have to decide whether they will do a procession or not. But in any case there will be no welcoming of the Kings in the Plaza del 9 de Octubre on 5th January. And on 6th there will be no giving out of presents in the square. The Three Kings are very concerned about the health of the village and don’t want to invite crowds of people. What they will do is put a Royal letterbox in the doorway of the Town Hall from 1st to 4th January to collect the children’s letters. On 5th January at 5pm, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar will visit our village to give out the presents from house to house. In addition, on 6th January they will attend Mass and then will make their way to the East.

The Three Kings will leave a telephone number for everyone so that you can contact them a few days before they arrive and remind them of the address where they should take the presents. So there is no confusion, the phone number is 680 347 501 (call between 3pm and 8pm).

Thank you for your understanding. Next year we will return to the traditional celebrations without changing any of the events and with more emotion and magic than ever.

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