The return of outdoor summer performances


Estás en: Inici » Notícies » The return of outdoor summer performances

The Concejalía de Cultura has programmed a series of shows to take advantage of the good summer weather to do some outdoor activities.

The cultural calendar will be started by Dani Miquel with his family show «Musiqueries», which will take place on Saturday 12th June at 7pm in the playground of the former school. Two weeks later the children will have the opportunity to enjoy «CONT@RTE» performed by L’Oracle de l’Est.

Performances are also being prepared for July and August, among them a concert by the Unió Musical Beniarbeig. The councillor for culture, Sara Gil Peretó explains that «although we are starting with a programme aimed mainly at families, the aim is to continue with performances for all age groups. ».

All the events will be free and will follow COVID-19 protocol, so numbers will be limited and you should register beforehand through the form available on the local web portal


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