Formation of a new community association in Beniarbeig


Estás en: Inici » Notícies » Formation of a new community association in Beniarbeig

Although the name still has to be decided, more than thirty residents attended the two meetings held in the Centro Cultural in Beniarbeig in June to show their interest in this new association.

After these two meetings it was concluded that the association will be based on volunteering, it will carry out social and environmental activities (from the temporary care of pets to the collection of rubbish from green spaces) and that the services of the association will be available to all residents whether they are members of the association or not. In the association, for the moment, languages used are Valenciano, Spanish, English, French and German.

The committee, recently elected at the second meeting of the group, intends to get the association moving before the end of July. For now, anyone interested in joining can call Sally (616237286), Maruja (630680973) or Daniel (655381656).

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