Childrens’ music and theatre for a cultural June


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On Saturday 12th June, the well known ‘singer of songs’ Dani Miquel visited Beniarbeig with his show «Musiqueries». The event was organised by the Councillor for Culture and funded by the Diputación de Alicante and some 350 people from all over the area attended the event, held in the playground of the old school. People young and old sang and danced to the sound of Dani Miquel who, accompanied by his full band, presented his full musical repertoire, which makes him a phenomenon in the world of children’s music. Two weeks later it was the turn of «CONT@RTE», a show based on the story of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ (1862) by Lewis Carrol. It was performed by L’Oracle de l’Est and more than 150 people attended.

The Councillor points out that the response of the families has been very positive and that both shows were able to take place in line with all COVID-19 protocols, meaning keeping a safe distance, taking temperatures, wearing masks and sanitising hands. These measures, added to the fact that the events took place outside, maximised safety.

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