Reading club, storytelling and the La Fórmula Secreta: autumn Reading for all agess


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Beniarbeig library continues to work to encourage reading and socialisation through reading. For this reason, the Reading Club has been relaunched and strengthened with the novel El imperio eres tú, by Javier Moro, work on which is currently being completed in preparation for Matèria de Bretanya, by Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas (Madrid, 1927 ? – Valencia, 2009), whom the Academia Valenciana de la Lengua has declared author of the year in a commemoration which also includes the Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes de la Comunitat Valenciana. In Beniarbeig, apart from the sessions with readers of the book, there will be an exhibition of Sánchez-Cutillas during the week of 7th December for anyone who wants to know more about the life and the works of the writer. .

On 21st October, the storyteller Blai Senabre held a reading session within the campaign “ Llegim?”, supported by the Generalitat Valenciana, along with the Fundació Bromera and FULL. Also, this year the library and the Councillor for Youth joined the Fórmula Secreta, a reading project organised through IVAJ. The project kicked off with an escape room on 3rd November in the library in which 14 young people aged from 11 to 15 took part. The project continues through November and December with the reading of L’efecte Frankenstein, written by Elia Barceló from Alicante.

Also, at the beginning of November, some new books were purchased, in particular novels, in Spanish as well as in valenciano, but the library now also offers a request service, which means that any user interested in the library buying a particular book only needs to fill in a short form and, as long as it is possible, the library will buy it and incorporate it into its stock.

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