Beniarbeig Football Club ends a season cut short by the pandemic


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The last match of the season took place on 14th June between C.F Beniarbeig – VillajoyosaCF «B». With a score of 2-4 in favour of the team from the Marina Baixa, the Beniarbeig team settled for third place in the 2ª Regional Plata league, which for the general classification is the equivalent of tenth place. As the president of the club Javier Picornell Carpi explains, «this year, halfway through the season, they had to divide the league into two, because in January and February we couldn’t play and in this way they could shorten the season a bit.». This formula didn’t prevent the season from finishing a month later than usual.

The team is now resting and recovering their strength to start the pre-season training before the end of the summer. For Picornell the 2021-2022 season can be viewed with optimism because «we have managed to create a very good atmosphere within the team and most of the players intend to continue». As for the results, ahead of the new season the president hopes to be able to improve its classification, although at the moment, the biggest challenge is to find a replacement for Àlex Pulido, the trainer who has led the Beniarbeig team this season. The trainer said goodbye with a letter to the «CF Beniarbeig family», in which he doesn’t skimp on thanks to the players, the committee and the fans and in which he says how much he enjoyed his stay at the Camp del Girona. The committee confirms that they are now trying to get a replacement for Pulido, a search that is already quite well advanced and they hope soon to be able to announce a name.

During what’s left of the summer, while sporting activity is at a standstill, CF Beniarbeig will take advantage of the break to devote itself more to the social side of the club and they hope to celebrate their AGM with members at the end of July.

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