The river Girona is clean of bamboo in the face of possible heavy rain


Estás en: Inici » Notícies » The river Girona is clean of bamboo in the face of possible heavy rain

The section of the river Girona running through the village has been cleaned over recent days, more specifically the bamboo (Arundo donax) and other vegetation in the riverbed have been removed. The work is part of the agreement signed between Beniarbeig Town Hall and the Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar, meaning that the town hall is responsible for the maintenance of the section which runs through the village. The cleaning has been done just as the bamboo was starting to grow and at a point in time when there is more likelihood of heavy rain.

For its part, the CHJ has been working on the river banks for some time on the section from Beniarbeig to Els Poblets, removing reeds and putting down large sections of suppressant material to kill off the roots of the reeds. The proposal of the CHJ is to remove the material in a couple of years and plant indigenous riverbank species as, apart from their ecological value, they don’t cause as many complications for the circulation of the water during periods of heavy rain. It is worth remembering that bamboo is a foreign plant with its origins in Asia, and it is classed as an invasive plant uprooted easily when the water level rises and causing blockages.

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