Presentation of the Land Bank


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On Friday 20th November, the Centro Cultural welcomed the presentation of the Bank of agricultural lands in Beniarbeig with some twenty people from the village interested in local agriculture. The act opened with a talk by the Mayor, Juanjo Mas, who explained the situation with the growing of citrus crops, which had been a real economic activity for previous generations but which currently presents a lot of problems in respect of the payment of costs and commercialisation.

Then the word passed to Joan Carles Caldentey, technical director of ADR Buscatierras, who presented the results of a study carried out in Beniarbeig and which identified 9 hectares of agricultural land currently lying idle. In addition, Caldentey pointed out that a large part of this land has irrigation and a system of drip irrigation, which makes it potentially very productive. Then it was the turn of Toni Cardona, member of the Asociación de Emprendedores Rural, who made some observations on the abandonment of land and how this has repercussions for nature and for the families, and on what have been the obstacles that local agriculturalists have found when trying to make the land profitable.

According to all three, this meeting was only a general presentation of the subject and a first point of contact, and they encourage anyone interested to look on the web portal to find out more about it.

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