Summer school 2021


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Once more Beniarbeig Town Hall is offering, through the Concejalía de Educación, a summer school service for children born between 2009 and 2017. This year the timetable will be from 9am to 2pm and the school will run from 1st July until 13th August. As councillor responsible for education, Ana Gallart says that «like last year all COVID-19 prevention measures will be in place and the children will carry the activities in their bubbles. There will be art workshops, sessions at the pool, help with schoolwork and recycling workshops. ».

The charges depend on whether the child is enrolled for the two months or for one, but also depends whether you are on the padrón in Beniarbeig and how many children you have, as there is a discount of 10% for a second child. Enrolment can be done in person at the town hall from 1st to 20th June by making an appointment in advance on 96576 60 18. The enrolment form and all the information is available on


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