Fiestas 2021

Notícies, Noticies Festes

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Beniarbeig is preparing its fiesta week in honour of San Roque from 20th to 29th August. At the beginning the fiestas seemed a pipe dream, but in the end, if the untypical situation allows, they will be celebrated.

The fiesta programme contains a schedule of cultural, fun and religious activities planned so that everyone can enjoy them. New things this year are that, to attend the different events, you will have to put your name down in advance, There will also be control of access to the different events and limited numbers.

The events are designed to take place at their designated moment, but with the possibility to change or cancel them if the circumstances require. Putting together the fiesta programme has been a long and intense job, subject to constant changes, and the Comisión de Fiestas 2020/21 has confronted it and resolved it effectively, working with a lot of eagerness and effort so that the fiestas can be celebrated. Also , the Peña Taurina has added its little grain of sand with its planning of different events with the bulls.

The councillor for Fiestas asks for prudence and responsibility when you take part in the events. You must be very careful with the health and safety measures: keeping the recommended distance, using a facemask, if necessary …. These are days which all of the people, in general, want to be able to enjoy, as last year the fiestas couldn’t take place, so it depends on all of us as to whether this year they can go ahead. Common sense, respect and enjoy the events.

Mario Ortiz Fuentes – Regidor de Festes

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