The library starts the new school year with a remodelled children’s area


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After an atypical summer, Beniarbeig library is starting its afternoon opening times, Monday to Thursday from 4pm to 8pm and Fridays from 10am to 2pm. With the return to school, the reading club is also starting up again with El imperio eres tú (2011) by Javier Moro, a novel which transports the reader to 19th century Brazil. As always, anyone wanting to take part or to know more about the reading group should get in contact with the library.

In addition, the new year is starting up with some changes in the furniture, where a new bookshelf and two display stands have been installed in the children’s section. These changes bettr meet the needs of the children and the books are available in a more visual manner, meaning that new books or the more interesting books will stand out. Also, distributed across the children’s area are four boxes, a square piece of furniture making it easier for the children to handle the books. The boxes have been shared out across the children’s area to make it easier to maintain a safe distance if there are several users there at the same time.

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