Beniarbeig Town Hall announces the cancellation of the San Roque and Santo Domingo fiestas 2020


Estás en: Inici » Notícies » Beniarbeig Town Hall announces the cancellation of the San Roque and Santo Domingo fiestas 2020

Beniarbeig Town Hall has decided to cancel the village fiestas, more specifically the Santo Domingo fiestas – the first weekend in August 2020- and the San Roque fiestas – the last week of August 2020- in view of the health crisis caused by the  Coronavirus, as well as the possible restrictions linked to the coordination of public events over the coming months. Below is the notification put out by Beniarbeig Town Hall in respect of the cancellation:

Due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19, and with great regret on our part, but always considering the safety of our inhabitants, the Concejalía de Fiestas, headed by our councillor Mario Ortiz, along with the governing team from Beniarbeig Town Hall, and after speaking to the various groups involved with the organisation of the fiestas (Comisión 2020, parents of the young festeros, Comisión de toros, Unió Musical de Beniarbeig, Parroquia San Juan Bautista and Festeros de Santo Domingo) the decision has been made to postpone the San Roque and Santo Domingo fiestas 2020 until next year. It has been agreed that in 2021 the Comisión 2020 and the Santo Domingo festeros 2020 will lead both fiestas, which means that the age at which the young people are eligible to be festeros will be extended by one year, to 19 years of age.

From Beniarbeig Town Hall, we hope soon to be able to get back to normal and be able to celebrate our fiestas with peace and health for everyone.

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